On the way down to Santa Fe, as we were just settling into the news that the lawsuit we faced for six months was voluntarily dropped, we got more good news:
THE HOLLY was named the winner of the Jury Prize at the Santa Fe International Film Festival. The film is now 2 for 2 in its first major festivals. It was great to be in Santa Fe, and to turn the corner as we head for the Denver Film Festival, where THE HOLLY will screen for the first time. In Denver, both of our screenings sold out in 3 days, and our second showing was moved to the 1,000-seat Ellie Caulkins Opera House on Thursday November 10, at 8 pm. Get there early for the red carpet and to save your seat.
Meanwhile I spoke about much of this with KBCO’s Bret Saunders on his podcast. Among other things he asked me, “Are there certain elements of this story [THE HOLLY] that r being suppressed + if that is the case, why?”
Hear my answer here: https://kbco.iheart.com/content/2022-10-27-the-bret-saunders-podcast-julian-rubinstein/

Before a screening at the Santa Fe International Film Festival